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A.I. Pet Value List (beta*)
Values in Terms of Ride Potions
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Artificial Intelligence
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269 RP
206 RP
140 RP
115 RP
90 RP
81 RP
74 RP
60 RP
55 RP
53 RP
40 RP
36 RP
33 RP
31 RP
29 RP
23 RP
22 RP
20 RP
18.4 RP
16.3 RP
15.6 RP
15.3 RP
14.7 RP
14.6 RP
12.4 RP
12.3 RP
12 RP
11.1 RP
10.6 RP
10.2 RP
10.1 RP
10 RP
9.8 RP
9.55 RP
9.45 RP
9.25 RP
9.2 RP
9.05 RP
9 RP
8.95 RP
8.35 RP
8.2 RP
8 RP
7.75 RP
7.35 RP
6.95 RP
6.7 RP
6.05 RP
5.75 RP
5.7 RP
5.5 RP
5.4 RP
5.3 RP
5.1 RP
5 RP
4.9 RP
4.85 RP
4.7 RP
4.65 RP
4.6 RP
4.45 RP
4.4 RP
4.35 RP
4.3 RP
4.25 RP
4.2 RP
4.15 RP
4.05 RP
4 RP
3.95 RP
3.9 RP
3.65 RP
3.55 RP
3.35 RP
3.25 RP
3.15 RP
2.9 RP
2.85 RP
2.75 RP
2.7 RP
2.65 RP
2.55 RP
2.5 RP
2.45 RP
2.4 RP
2.35 RP
2.3 RP
2.25 RP
2.2 RP
2.15 RP
2.1 RP
2.05 RP
2 RP
1.9 RP
1.85 RP
1.8 RP
1.75 RP
1.7 RP
1.65 RP
1.6 RP
1.55 RP
1.5 RP
1.45 RP
1.4 RP
1.35 RP
1.3 RP
1.25 RP
1.2 RP
1.15 RP
1.1 RP
1.05 RP
1 RP
0.95 RP
0.9 RP
0.85 RP
0.8 RP
0.75 RP
0.7 RP
0.65 RP
0.6 RP
0.55 RP
0.5 RP
0.45 RP
0.4 RP
0.39 RP
0.36 RP
0.35 RP
0.34 RP
0.33 RP
0.32 RP
0.31 RP
0.3 RP
0.29 RP
0.27 RP
0.26 RP
0.25 RP
0.24 RP
0.23 RP
0.22 RP
0.21 RP
0.2 RP
0.19 RP
0.18 RP
0.17 RP
0.16 RP
0.15 RP
0.14 RP
0.13 RP
0.12 RP
0.11 RP
0.1 RP
0.08 RP
0.07 RP
0.06 RP
0.04 RP
0.02 RP
0.01 RP
Note: The values of some items are rounded (to the nearest hundredth, tenth, or whole number) for display purposes on this page.
* This is a new system powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and is currently in testing mode.
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Last updated March 29, 2025
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