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Roblox Adopt Me Trading Values
Adopt Me News

WARNING! HUGE LOSSES Possible If You Trade for These Pets!
March 27, 2025

Within the past couple months, some pets (like the Mega Goose) have been INSANELY over-valued by some value sites. In the video to the left, we take a look at how those values rose so high so quickly by using the historical value information provided by our friends at WinAdopt.Me.

We urge users to not pay the currently ridiculous prices for those pets. If you have any doubts, take a look at the value history for the Mega Mini Pig using the link above. You will see it had an obviously ridiculous value increase which was then followed by a HUGE drop in value. Anyone who bought it at its unrealistic & nonsensical high value would have paid about 3 Owls in value and then found that it was listed as only worth 2 owls about two to three weeks later. Ouch!
Get 200+ Ice Shards in Slippery Slope EVERY TIME!
March 21, 2025

The new Ice Dimension update is out, and we wanted to share a tip to help you to get 200+ Ice Shards every time you play. Each new bait only cost 200 Ice Shards, so this means you only need to play the mini game one time using this method for each bait you want to get. Check out the 1 minute video to the left to see the tip.
Blazing Lion
Blazing Lion Rising Quickly in Value!
March 18, 2025

Earlier this week, Adopt Me announced that a new Ice Dimension will be coming to Adopt Me on Friday, March 21. With this update, the Campfire Cookie bait will be replaced by a new ice soup (?) bait. This means that players will no longer be able to catch Blazing Lions by using the Campfire Bait. In other words, the Blazing Lion is going out of game.

This news has already caused offers for the Blazing Lion to skyrocket. Whereas a couple weeks ago, many Blazing Lion owners would happily accept an Arctic Reindeer (or 4 decent neon legendaries or a Mega Unicorn, etc.), they are already seeing offers noticeably higher than that. We expect that this trend will continue, and that the Blazing Lion will continue to rise in value. If you have a Blazing Lion, we recommend holding out on trading it until you 100% feel like you have gotten an awesome offer. If you are offering on a Blazing Lion, we recommend starting your offer around an Arctic Reindeer with adds as all of our offers lower than that have been getting declined. Good luck!

GET GOOD LUCK by Riding the Rainbow!?
March 17, 2025

Ever since Adopt Me added the secret area near the red bridge where you could get the Haetae pet, we have been keeping an eye out for signs of more secrets. We love secrets! Well, Adopt Me dropped a clue about one possible secret in the recent St. Patrick's Day update.

When you first go into Adopt Me during the St. Patrick's Day update, you will see a graphic pop up with a few sentences at the bottom. The last sentence says to ride the rainbow for good luck. That got our attention. Now that there is a giant rainbow in Adoption Island, will riding it REALLY give us good luck? Will we be able to hatch legendaries every time? What might happen? Check out the video to the left to see us test out the possibility.
AI Values! NEW Value System
March 12, 2025

We have just released the first ever AI-based value system for Adopt Me. The AI Values system provides a new perspective on item values in Adopt Me. First of all, it provides a value for each item based on the number of Ride Potions they are worth. Secondly, it monitors tens of thousands of offers and trades being made every day in real time. It ignores the ones that seem suspicious and updates item values progressively to keep them in line with what trades get completed.

This is a brand new system and currently in beta/testing form. More info is available in the video to the left. We also invite you to check the system out and see if you find it helpful or interesting by clicking here. If this system proves to be reliable, we can add it to our W/F/L page and make it available when posting offers on our site.
Gaelic Fae
Gaelic Fae Coming March 14 - Future Exotic?
March 11, 2025

Adopt Me has announced that they will be releasing 2 new pets on Friday, March 14 as part of its first ever St. Patrick's Day event. The pet pictured to the left is the Gaelic Fae. It will cost 250 Robux and we think there is a good chance that this pet might end up becoming an exotic pet in the future. This is because it has these characteristics: Ultra-Rare, only in game for 1 week, relatively low Robux cost, released during a week that is not a school vacation, not super preppy.

Many exotic pets share these same characteristics. This is the recipe for an exotic pet. We won't know until at least a few months in the future, but it could be a good idea to try to get one sooner rather than later. It could be a good investment.

The St. Patrick's Day update also includes a second pet, the Clover Cow. It is Rare and will cost 1850 bucks. Additionally, there will be 3 new pet wear items that you can earn by completing special tasks. We love the idea of getting item rewards for completing tasks, so we are very happy to see this. Have a great week!

FREE Holo Cap Pet Wear
March 7, 2025

Adopt Me has released a new FREE Pet Wear that you can get right now! You just have to follow 3 easy steps to get this new item before it's gone. Check out the video to the left to see how to get it.
Field Mouse Scammer
Scammers Manipulating Values
March 4, 2025

Today we received feedback from one of our users that they noticed some suspicious activity in trades being made for the Mega Field Mouse recently. We took a look and found that at least one user was trying to manipulate the value of the Mega Field Mouse by dishonestly completing huge win offers for it. Some examples are in the screenshot to the left.

We are aware that other websites consult our website to help them determine values for pets. When their value people see these ridiculous trades like the ones at left, they will react by increasing the value of those pets. This very thing actually JUST happened as a different value site just boosted the value of Mega Field Mouse on its website by a whopping 25%.

This is pretty alarming and very disturbing. We all have to be able to use common sense as we think about values. Is there anyone in their right mind who would give a giraffe or a neon evil unicorn for a mega field mouse? It is just preposterous.

To help fight these despicable value manipulators, we have added a new feature to our website. Now when you look at the recent trades for an item on its item page, you will now see a note if we detect suspicious activity or value manipulation. Hopefully this helps at least a little bit, but at the end of the day we each must also use our brains to help know what information to believe and what to ignore. Good luck out there!

Exotic Pet List & Preppy Pet List
February 27, 2025

We have seen many requests for definitive lists of exotic pets and preppy pets, so here they are. You can find our Exotic Pet List here and our Preppy Pet List here.

Exotic pets typically have a low supply either because they were hard to get when they were in game or they were ignored for some reason. Many of them were also in game for a short period of time. Preppy pets, on the other hand, are often considered to be very cute and have a cool aesthetic. Many players simply like the way they look.
Hummingbird Glitch!? Not Tradable!?
February 23, 2025

If you own any type of hummingbird, you might have noticed that it suddenly and mysteriously has become untradable. This also goes for the Pet Handler Pro Certificate and the Golden Petunia. Why did this happen? What impacts might it have? Check out our video to the left for more info.
Cupid Dragon Hearts
Valentine's Day Info & Tips
February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day! The Cupid Dragon is out, and we just released our trading video for it where we determine its initial value (scroll down the W/F/L page to view). It is also the start of the Valentine's event, where players have to collect Hearts that can be used to purchase the Love Bird and other items.

This event is a bit more confusing than others. You can earn hearts in 2 ways:
- Find roses around Adoption Island (usually right in the middle trading hub area in our experience) and get 20 hearts from each one. There are 8 roses available each Adopt Me day. They all spawn pretty close to each other. The pointy bottom part of each heart-shaped set of hearts actually points the way to the next rose. You can get 160 hearts each Adopt Me day by getting these roses.
- Once about every 2 hours, a Cupid Dragon will appear and drop hearts from itself. Get as many players as you can to follow it. Once it finishes moving, it will shoot an arrow that spews out a ton of hearts on the ground for you to pick up (see image to the left), but hurry because they do disappear. 15 minutes before the Cupid Dragon appears, a love letter will show up first to alert you where the Cupid Dragon will spawn. When we played, we were able to get about hundreds of hearts from one Cupid Dragon, so it is a great way to earn hearts.

Demand Indicators
Trading System Demand Indicators
February 13, 2025

We have now brought the new value indicators to our trading system. Pets with hot demand (like the Arctic Reindeer) will be shown with a hot demand indicator while pets with low/cold demand (like Swordfish) will be shown with the cold demand indicator. An example is to the left.

Pets with demand in the middle will not show a demand indicator. We found it gets way too cluttered/busy if every item has an indicator, so we have left it to just the highest and lowest demand pets. You can view the current demand for every item by going to their individual item pages.

Demand Meter
New Feature: Demand
February 10, 2025

A while back we added a Demand List to the Value List page of our site. This demand is 100% objective as it is based solely on the number of offers made over the past couple weeks. We have now added a "Demand" attribute to each item's page. This will make it easy for players to see if an item has high demand while looking at the item page for any item.

For example, the new Puptune pet has been getting tons of offers since it came out. Accordingly, you will see its demand indicator shows "Hot" on its item page (like in the graphic to the left).

We have established 5 levels of demand (from lowest to highest): Cold, Low, Mid, Warm, Hot. We have also added Hot and Cold DEMAND icons to the trading grid on the W/F/L page. This should help players figure out those trickier trades, like when you know an offer is a win in value but you probably wouldn't do it if all the pets are htt (hard to trade)/low demand.

Puptune! Puptune! Puptune!
February 8, 2025

The Moon Egg released yesterday, and players have been hatching eggs here and there and everywhere. We were expecting the new legendary Sunglider to have the most hype and be the most beloved Moon Egg pet. We were wrong. It's the Puptune!

That's right. Adoption Island has a serious case of PUPTUNE MADNESS. Currently the demand for it is about 5 times higher than the demand for the Sunglider. What does this tell us? Above all, the majority of players want CUTE PETS. If the Puptune is anything, it is cute. Just look at that awesome little ball of turquoise fluff. And that tongue? How can you not love that little guy!?
Moon Egg
Goodbye Garden Egg, Hello MOON EGG!
February 1, 2025

The Garden Egg has left Adopt Me! The new MOON EGG will be replacing it in just a few days. You can see the Moon Egg along with 1 of its new pets in the picture to the left.

We can now also use the launchpad near the Adopt Me Island entrance/exit to get to the new moon area. There are about 20 shooting stars up there, along with 1 of the special stars (at least on February 1). Once you collect 5 special stars, you can get a ROYAL MOON EGG. This is similar to the ROYAL DESERT EGG where it is a special version of the egg with a higher chance to get a better pet.
January 28, 2025

Adopt Me totally surprised us with 2 big additions to the game today! First, there is a brand new secret pet called the HAETAE! You can find it by following the instructions in the video to the left. Only a total of 75,000 will be released, and they are unlocking a batch of them every few hours. You need to be fast to get one from each batch. It reminds us of snagging Lightning Lanes at DisneyWorld.

Secondly, there is a brand new secret code you can use for 2X bucks & aging for four hours! Go to the Redemption Kiosk in the Safety Hub and enter the code "2xhax" without the quotes.

We love these secrets and surprises - nicely done, Adopt Me team!
Pet Your Pets! And the Next Snake Is...
January 27, 2025

Today Adopt Me added a new feature to the game out of nowhere. You can now pet your pets! People love petting pets in real life, so why not in the game too? Check out the video to the left to see how you can pet your pets.

Meanwhile, Adopt Me also announced today that the third snake of the Lunar Update will be a rare Prism Snake. We expect that it will cost 40 shooting stars just like the Blossom Snake. Remember, this new rare snake will be taking the place of the Blossom Snake, so figure out quickly which ones you want to spend your stars on.

Finally, Adopt Me also revealed that the new strange dome on Adoption Island will finally open up on Saturday, February 1. Many players anticipate that it will house some new mini game where you can earn shooting stars, but we will all have to wait to find out.
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Ahhh! Flying Pet!

Last updated March 28, 2025 - View Update Log | Privacy Policy

Adopt Me Trading Values