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Roblox Adopt Me Trading Values
Adopt Me News

Lunar New Year 2025 Items
More Lunar New Year 2025 Info
January 22, 2025

Adopt Me's YouTube channel revealed some additional information today about the upcoming Lunar New Year 2025 event. As previously mentioned, players will need to collect shooting stars each day that have dropped down from the sky. We now know that these stars can then be spent at a vending machine. The vending machine is very similar to the one featured in the recent Halloween 2024 update.

As you can see in the picture to the left, the vending machine will feature several items, including 2 of the 4 snakes that are planned to be released during the event. This picture also confirms that the Gilded Snake will be the Legendary one (since we can see it costs many more stars than the other one, and Adopt Me mentioned that the Legendary snake would be available week 1 of the event). The other items shown include a Tiny Age-Up Potion and 2 unknown items.
Lunar New Year 2025 Snakes
Lunar New Year 2025 Snakes!
January 21, 2025

Adopt Me has announced that this year's Lunar New Year update will bring with it new SNAKES! There will be one legendary snake along with 3 others. The only ones we know about so far are the Gilded Snake and the Blossom Snake. You can see both of them pictured to the left. They look pretty cool!

Players will be able to earn the new snakes by collecting shooting stars each day and trading them in for the new pets. As always, the update drops this Friday, January 24th. More details are still to come.
Balloon Unicorn Value Increases
January 18, 2025

The value of the Balloon Unicorn has increased quite a bit over the past month. We have seen it trade for a turtle and even better many times. This is one pet where the hype is not surprising since it is beloved by many players (and YouTubers like FishyBlox), it has been out of game for several months now, and it cost 1000 Robux.

We recently spent some time receiving offers for it in game across dozens of servers. Check out some of the best offers featured in the video to the left to see for yourself.
Trade Circle
HUGE Value Updates
January 7, 2025

Although we are constantly monitoring and updating values of items, today we implemented some larger changes to the values of HUNDREDS of pets on our website due to sustained changes in the offers that these items have been receiving. Here are some of the most noteworthy details.

We decreased the value of the following pets: White Amazon, Golden Hummingbird, Albino Gorilla, Diamond Hamster, Hippogriff, Emperor Gorilla. We also decreased the Mega values of TONS of pets.

We increased the value of the following pets: Pig, Goat, Glacier Moth, Tortuga de la Isla, Turtle, Caterpillar, Balloon Unicorn, Undead Jousting Horse, Cow, Purple Butterfly, Black-Chested Pheasant, Arctic Reindeer, Hot Doggo, Dalmatian, African Wild Dog, Pelican, Hedgehog, Evil Unicorn, Crow, Parrot, Shadow Dragon, Owl, Frost Dragon, Giraffe, Diamond Butterfly, Bat Dragon.
Aurora Fox & Frostbite Cub
Aurora Fox & Frostbite Cub Coming January 3, 2024
January 1, 2025

Adopt Me has revealed the final 2 pets that will be a part of the Winter 2024 event. The Ultra-Rare Frostbite Cub will cost 70,000 Gingerbread while the Legendary Aurora Fox will cost 600 Robux. You can see in the picture at left that they both have a cool winter theme to them. We think they are cute so they should both be pretty popular.

On a different note, keep collecting that Gingerbread! Jesse from the Adopt Me team said that the fastest way to grind Gingerbread is to follow this cycle: play a mini game, play the first level of Frostclaw (quit right after you warp to the 2nd level), ice skate, repeat. We kind of prefer to just keep beating Frostclaw so that we also get the free Winter Deer Bait reward. Good luck!
Shooting Star Board
Shooting Star Vehicle!?
December 28, 2024

During week 4 of the winter event, Adopt Me released so much, but there was one item that they kind of secretly released. There is no mention of it in any of their videos nor on the Adopt Me game page. It is the new Robux vehicle the Shooting Star Board.

The Ultra-Rare Shooting Star Board is pictured at left and costs 175 Robux. We have seen these go for 2-4 Legendary pets or about 2 Ride potions most often. This vehicle is actually really cool as it leaves a star trail and can even fly off the ground. We think this might be the sleeper hit item of the entire winter event since it is really cool and wasn't really advertised much. One of our favorite YouTubers, Fishyblox, has a cool trading video for it on his YT channel.
Winter Deer
Winter Deer, Frostclaw Pet, and More Coming December 27!
December 23, 2024

This Friday, December 27, Adopt Me will be releasing the Winter Deer Bait. It will cost 40,000 Gingerbread and will allow us to use Lures to catch one of three new pets: the rare Winter Fawn, the Ultra-Rare Winter Doe, and the Legendary Winter Buck (see picture at left). These pets look great. We are hoping that the chance for the Legendary one is very low so that it can have a high value and get more hype!

We will also finally be able to get Frostclaw as a pet. He's expensive though at 170,000 Gingerbread (ouch!). Imagine if he changed into his elf form, Cutie Cotton Caleb?!? We would pay 1 million Gingerbread for that.

The other updates coming this week are the final chapter of Frostclaw's Revenge and a rare Great Pyrenees dog for 35,000 Gingerbread which has the potential to be super popular because they are so cute and fluffy in real life.

Also one quick tip: to grind Gingerbread fastest, play Frostclaw's Revenge! It give so much and you can keep playing over and over. The ice saber really earns its value here also. Good luck & have fun!
Royal Mistletroll Debuts with Very Big Value!
December 21, 2024

The Royal Mistletroll has a 5% chance of coming from the 199 Robux Golden Mistletoe. That is a 1 in 20 chance, so technically one royal Mistletroll should come from every 20 Golden Mistletoes that get opened. Some players surely will get one on their first try while others might not get one even after 10 tries, but it should all average out to around 1 in 20. Ultimately, this means that the average Robux value of each Royal Mistletroll is really about 4000 Robux when all is said and done.

For this reason, the Royal Mistletroll has started out with a very big value! We have seen it trade easily for Strawberry Shortcake Bat Dragons and get as much as an Arctic Reindeer. Check out the video to the left to see 38 trades that our users have completed for the pet so far.

Players understand how many Robux it can take to get one of these, so they are putting up big offers. On the downside, we haven't heard tons of love for the look of the pet. This might limit how valuable the pet becomes as demand typically is highest for the cutest pets.
Blazing Lion Continues to Lose Value
December 17, 2024

When the Blazing Lion was first released, it had an enormous value since it was so hard to get (1 in 10,000 chance). It has now been out for well over a year, and in that time we have seen its value drop slowly but steadily. We just put together a short video where we explored its current value. Watch the clip to the left to see what we found.
Royal Mistletroll
HUGE Update Coming Friday Dec. 20, 2024
December 16, 2024

Adopt Me has announced a slew of big updates coming this Friday for week 3 of the winter update:

- Mistletroll box (Golden Mistletroll Treat) which will cost 199 Robux and contain the Ultra-Rare Merry Mistletroll, the Legendary Naughty Mistletroll, and the Legendary Royal Mistletroll.
- A brand new mini-game
- Part 2 of the Frostclaw game
- A stand where you can exchange 700 bucks for 9000 Gingerbread
- A new Partridge pet for 79,000 Gingerbread
- A winter sale where Robux items will be discounted
- A new place to ice skate
You Might Be 1 Trade Away From A Big Win!
December 13, 2024

We just finished up our trading video for the new Berry Cool Cube and Ice Saber (video to the left). We were trading these items right after they were released, and we were expecting some nice big wins on the Berry Cool Cube. Most offers were just pretty decent though. However, we were SHOCKED at the huge win we got for the Ice Saber.

Huge wins don't happen very often, but they do happen as shown in the video. You just have to offer the right item to the right player at the right time. Look at the LF (looking for) sections of players' profiles; change the item in your display stand once no offers come in after a few minutes; ask people to make offers on an item you don't really want. You never know when you might just get a big win, but the only way to get them is to get out there and trade (and browse offers on our website, of course).
Berry Cool Cube
Ice Cube Pets Coming Friday & Frostclaw's Revenge!
December 10, 2024

A new video from the Adopt Me YouTube channel showed us some cool updates (pun intended) on the way for this Friday. First, a new Ice Tray gift will be this season's box with multiple pets in it. The Berry Cool Cube is the legendary and is shown at left. These pets that come from boxes often lose value very quickly, so if you are lucky enough to get one from a box, we recommend trying to trade it immediately to get max value. Then you can always trade for one a week or two later for a fraction of that.

They also announced Frostclaw's Revenge Part 1. Last year they did a great job with the Frostclaw story game, so hopefully this will be just as much fun. We will be very disappointed if we don't hear someone say "Cutie Cotton Caleb" since that is the best name ever. Apparently this year we will be able to buy a sword for less than 100 Robux that can be used within the game. We are hoping that this sword will be tradable and maybe kept in the Toys section of the inventory.

One last note: save up your bucks! We have heard rumors that we will be able to turn somewhere around 3500 bucks into Gingerbread during this event, though this hasn't been officially announced yet.
FAIRY BAT DRAGON's Value Is on Fire!
December 6, 2024

Today's the day! Week 1 of the winter 2024 event has begun, and the Fairy Bat Dragon is now in game! We just spent the first few hours of its release getting offers for it relentlessly. The offers come in endlessly as people really want this pet - just like everybody expected.

To see what people have been offering for it on day 1 of its release, check out our trading video at the left. You can also now make offers on the Fairy Bat Dragon and see offers for it by logging into our website (free as always). Good luck!
Fairy Bat Dragon
FAIRY BAT DRAGON & More Winter Event News!
December 2, 2024

Adopt Me today released a video that confirms that this mysterious new pet is indeed the Fairy Bat Dragon. It will cost 1000 Robux and include the crown pet wear as shown in the picture at left.

We can't wait for it to come out this Friday! Once it does, we will get one immediately so we can see what people offer for it and determine its initial value. We will also post a video (as always) showing all the offers we receive so our users can have as much information as possible before buying one or trying to trade for one.

Adopt Me also noted that 2 other pets will be released on Friday: Ratatoskr (3400 Gingerbread) & Bauble Buddies (85000 Gingerbread). The mini-game Spleef will also be returning in a new form. Clear your schedule because there is a lot to do this weekend!
Advent Calendar
Advent Calendar Starts Today!
December 1, 2024

The Advent Calendar is back and will feature a new free item every day from December 1 through December 25. The Advent Calendar door items are only in game for 1 day each, so we recommend using alt accounts to get multiples of each item (even if they seem like worthless toys when you first get them). Also remember to open a total of 20 Advent Calendar doors by December 25 so you can earn the special bonus vehicle.
PUDDING PUP - Huge Increase in Value & Demand!
November 30, 2024

We have been closely monitoring the popularity of the Christmas Pudding Pup over the past month or so. For some reason, we started to see players trade for it like more than most other pets. This was very surprising since it wasn't super popular during its first 10 months or so of being in game (released Christmas 2023). It has now moved up to #7 on our Pet Demand List. Our only guess is that people want it since Christmas is coming soon.

We have been finding it pretty hard to get one for 2 ride potions or less. However, it is fairly get one for 3 ride potions or more. In any case, check out our video to the left to see what people offer for it now near the end of 2024.
Canine Cruiser
November 28, 2024

Adopt Me has quietly released a secret code that players can redeem for a free new vehicle! Just go to the Safety Hub, find the Redemption Kiosk, and enter the code AMTRUCK2024. You will be rewarded with the Canine Cruiser!

The code can only be used once per account, and it will probably stop working soon, so redeem it as soon as possible!
Christmas Photo Contest
November 27, 2024

Show off your decorating and design skills! Our Christmas Photo Contest is now under way. Just visit our Photo Contest page, read the rules, and join the contest. We can't wait to see what you create!
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Adopt Me Trading Values